Couple Links

Couple LinksRelationships have normal and inevitable challenges that impact the closeness that couples experience. In a review of marriage research from the 1990’s to 2005, Everett Worthington, a prominent research psychologist at Virginia Commonwealth University, concluded that “beneath these (research) findings, we discover the buried treasure. The emotional bond between couples is the golden thread that holds partners together (Worthington, 2005). Marital success is not most importantly about how partners behave with each other. It is more about theemotional bond between them and about healing threats to that bond. Couples who frequently strengthen the bond of their relationship minimize vulnerabilities and maximize resilience in their marriage



The Couple LINKS program was developed by Dr. John Van Epp and it has been widely used, since its inception, by community based marriage coalitions, prisons, domestic violence shelters, religious organizations, and the military in the United States, South America, Germany, South Korea, and Singapore.

The LINKS program consists of 5 sessions that range from 90-120 minutes that can be taught in a variety of formats (i.e. retreat, day-long workshop, weekly meetings, etc.).

The Couple LINKS program sessions are structured around the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM), which proposes that relationships consist of five specific dynamic bonds, or connections that interact to create all relationships. These bonds are: know, trust, rely, commit, and touch. The RAM is a visual, interactive model that can easily depict both the degree of closeness in a relationship as well as vulnerabilities in that relationship.

Each session of the LINKS course teaches participants how to assess, manage, and strengthen each of the five dynamic bonds. Description of Couple LINKS Sessions.

Session Descriptions:

One: Relentlessly Pursuing Intimacy

It is easy to so lose touch with each other in a relationship. This session explores ways to keep up with deeply knowing your partner.

Two: Respectfully Cultivating Trust

Negative thoughts and opinions of your partner can sabotage your feelings of closeness. This session explains how you can maintain and strengthen a postivie opinion of your partner, and heal any wounds to your trust.

Three: Reciprocally Meeting Needs

In this session, you will learn that a mutual determination to know and fulfill your partner's needs is the core of a happy relationship relationship. Creative ways to accomplish this on a regular basis are explored.

Four: Resiliently Charting Your Course

Belonging to each other is the heart of commitment and soul of sexual intimacy. This session develops a resiliency model of commutment for changes and crises in light of rediscovering each other throughout the course of your relationship.

Couple in couple links seminarFive: Romantically Renewing Your Union

Learn about romance, sexual drive, and keeping love making alive. The core of the COUPLE LINKS course is to teach couples how to intentionally “run their relationship” by assessing their current strengths and vulnerabilities with the Relationship Attachment Mode (RAM)l and then set short range relational goals in the five dynamic bonds represented in the RAM. When the levels of these dynamic bonds are high, feelings of love and closeness are maximized.

The RAM provides couples a simple yet comprehensive method of assessing and maintaining their feelings of love through the management of the five dynamic bonds.

Enrollment Info:

ENROLLMENT COST:  $259/Couple.

Includes two workbooks & a personal coaching session following the workshop.


For more information,locations, scheduling & format preference on the Couple Links Workshop, please click HERE.


Enrollment Info: TIMES & DATES:


Follow TWO Quick Steps to complete the enrollment process. 

Step ONE: Please indicate your choice of class times/dates on contact form. Click HERE.

Step TWO: Please use the BUY NOW button below to
make your payment via Paypal or major credit cards.


Name of couple taking workshop

Got questions? Call:804.495.9634